📚How to use Nural Fi

To use Neural Fi, you must have MetaMask installed.

If you don't have a MetaMask account, download the Chrome extension on the web or the MetaMask app on mobile. Create a wallet at https://metamask.io/download/.

  1. Visit https://defi.nuralchain.org and click on 'Connect Wallet' in the top-right corner.

  1. Choose a network between Etherium and BNB chain.

  1. In "Token Stake", choose the pool you want to participate in.

Stake Option

Flexible: Allowing you to withdraw your principal and interest at any time.

Locked: Unstaking is not allowed for a certain period, but a higher interest rate applies.

  1. Enter the amount of NVIR to stake in the Amount field, then select the [Stake] button.

  1. In MetaMask, set a spending cap and complete the steps [Next] > [Approve] > [Confirm] in order.

  1. Confirm the staking success popup.

  1. Check the staking details on the Dashboard.


✅ If NVIR is not visible in your wallet, import the token by entering the NVIR token address in 'Import Token > Custom Token' and then register it. 💠NVIR Token Address: 0x9d71CE49ab8A0E6D2a1e7BFB89374C9392FD6804

✅ Nural Fi supports Ethereum and BNB Chain.

✅ For Staking, ETH Gas Fee is required on the Ethereum chain, and BNB Gas Fee is required on the BNB chain. These fees are paid to the respective network.

Last updated